Bathroom Towel Stool

Bathroom Towel Stool

White towels.

Raththaphon Wanjit Getty Images

After Twitter's Great Towel Debate concluded, you might've thought your frantic towel-worrying days were over. But now, I'm presenting another hard-hitting question—how often are you actually supposed to replace your towels? You may wash them after every use, so you might not think you'd need to replace them until they get threadbare and raggedy. You know, years and years from now.

According to POPSUGAR, your bath towels need to be replaced at least every two years. That may seem like a long time, but Leanne Stapf, chief operating officer at The Cleaning Authority, told POPSUGAR she thinks that's the perfect time for a new set.

"Because towels are used daily and washed frequently, they tend to fray and tear after a couple of years," she said. "They typically lose their absorbency around the two-year mark, which is a good indicator that it's time to replace them."

You don't have to think you're wasting towels, either. They can still have a life of their own, just not one that involves cleaning your body.

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"We suggest donating your old towels to your local animal shelter or re-purposing them as cleaning rags," Parachute founder Ariel Kelly told TODAY. "Good for you, good for the environment."

Personally? I save old towels so I can clean off my dog after he takes a walk in the rain. It's a win-win.

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Bathroom Towel Stool



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